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Building a proactive and sustainable world, together
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How are others addressing SDGs?
Simply click on an SDG goal below to see related case studies. Case studies for every SDG The navigation tool below has been designed to assist …
FBRH Consultants UK: campaign to support the launch of a GRI Education Sector Standard
Building a proactive and sustainable world, together Positive change does not come through wishful thinking. Our busy and complicated world…
How are others creating shared value
Shared Value is a business strategy concept introduced by Michael Porter that focuses on creating economic value while also addressing social…
How are others addressing GRI topic specific disclosures?
Simply click on a GRI topic below to see related case studies. Case studies for every GRI topic standard The navigation tool below has been designed …
Becoming a GRI Certified Sustainability Professional
Full academic preparation by FBRH, a GRI Global Certified Partner This is a specially curated collection of informative articles on the Global Reporting…
The European Sustainability Reporting Standards and GRI
50,000 EU & non EU businesses will need to publish sustainability information This is a specially curated collection of informative articles…